Saw this poster up in the Cats protection charity shop. Bloody genius id protect that little fella, he would definitely not end up in a black sack in the thames
An old teacher once told me that a kid in her class was not paying attention, so she went to the back of the room to have words with him. To her horror she discovered he was colourng in his cock with tippex. There is no way of getting out of that, thats what makes it so genius
Poo dogs is my new crew, i know your all jealous but your get over it. Also the best TV add ever a fly and my toes, If you dont love Kent your a shitbag thats a fact...
Its ok to piss on a wall if there are already piss stains FACT. But dont piss on your foot and think about were you put your pint, or your get the piss pint worry